June 6th and 7th, 2025

University Medical Center

2000 Canal Street – New Orleans


Poster Session Friday, June 6th, 2025, 7:30 am – 9:30 am


Instructions for Poster Proposal Submissions

LPA will be accepting proposals for poster presentations in two different categories: original research and evidence-based practice. All proposals should exhibit a scientific focus on empirical research and/or clinical study. Please submit the following by email to by May 16, 2025. You will be notified by May 23, 2025, regarding your application status.

  • Poster proposal application – click here to access – please submit as an MS Word document.
  • 200-300 MSWord abstract of each poster presentation prepared according to APA publication guidelines and following the outline applicable to the submission category (see below).


Who May Submit Proposals

Any LPA member or non-member with an LPA member sponsor. Students shall work closely with their faculty advisors prior to submitting a proposal and shall list the name of their LPA member sponsor in their poster submission.


Submission Categories

  • Original Research – a research endeavor that involves the gathering of empirical data from participants.

Abstracts must include the following section headers in bold: title, authors & affiliations, objective, method, results, and conclusion.

  • Evidence-Based Practice – an examination of literature related to the application of psychological science to clinical problems. Abstracts must include the following section headers in bold: title, authors & affiliations, purpose, problem description, best practice guidelines, and future directions.


Once Approved

All approved first authors must register for the convention. You will be notified by May 23, 2025, whether your poster has been approved for presentation. Presenters are required to have the following prepared and ready by Friday, June 6, 2025 at 7:00 am in the poster area:

  • Arrive by 7:00 am to set up your poster. Easels will be available for all poster submissions.
  • Have your poster (max 48” wide by 36” tall) displayed and ready for attendees between 7:30 and 9:30 am
  • Prepare 2-3 minute “elevator speech” oral presentation for attendees.


Posters Will be Judged with $75 Gift Card Awards Given in Three Categories during Friday’s Business Meeting at lunch

  • Undergraduate
  • Graduate
  • Post-Doctoral


Click HERE for application.