Become a Convention Exhibitor Today!

LPA is the premier psychological association in the state of Louisiana whose mission is to advance psychology as a science, as a profession, and as a means of promoting human welfare. LPA has been in existence for 76 years and continues to promote and support psychologists throughout our state.

As a government or non-profit agency, your organization provides services of great value – not only to your clients and consumers but to psychologists who can benefit from awareness about the services provided by your organization. And you will find that our relatively low price point for government and non-profit agencies is an added bonus!

The Louisiana Psychological Association holds an annual one-day fall workshop and a two-day spring conference. Each event will have multiple breaks during which time we encourage our psychologists to visit your table.

Please consider purchasing a table today!


Convention Exhibitor Opportunities

**Exhibit space will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

$300 Fall one-day Workshop for government agencies
One table, two chairs, lunch provided for two

$500 Spring two-day Convention for government agencies
One table, two chairs, lunch provided for two

$75 for non-profit agencies
One table, one chair, lunch provided for one

Additional chair – $75


The deadline for logo and advertisement submission is 2 weeks prior to the event.


Register Today!

Registration is currently closed. Please check back soon.