Emergency Response:
- 911 emergency services have been fully restored in New Orleans. Please call 911 for emergencies and 311 (504-658-2299) for non-emergencies.
- Jefferson Parish Emergency Management – 504-349-5360
- For local emergency resources, contact your local parish OHSEP office, go to http://gohsep.la.gov/ABOUT/PARISHPA
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):
- FEMA may be able to help Hurricane Ida survivors cover some disaster expenses if their insurance doesn’t. If you were affected by Ida and have insurance, first contact your insurance company.
- Insurance policies may include Additional Living Expenses (ALE) or Loss of Use (LOU) coverage, which provide supplemental money for increased costs, such as temporary housing, when you are unable to live in your home due to a loss covered by insurance.
- If you have exhausted ALE or LOU funds from your insurance settlement, FEMA may be able to assist with your disaster-related temporary housing, like rental assistance and If you live in one of the 25 Louisiana parishes designated for assistance and your primary home is not safe, sanitary or livable due to damage from Hurricane Ida, here’s what you need to know:
- If you have renter’s insurance, you should first call your insurance provider to file a claim.
- If you don’t have renter’s insurance, you may be eligible for assistance to rent or pay for a place to live while repairs are made to your rental home or until it is livable.
- Rental grant money can be used for security deposits, rent and the cost of essential utilities, such as gas and water, but not for cable or internet services.
- Renters may also qualify for assistance for essential personal property and other disaster-related expenses including lodging expense reimbursement.
- FEMA’s Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program is available to eligible residents of Louisiana who have been
affected by Hurricane Ida. FEMA will identify survivors who may be eligible and have a need for this short-term emergency sheltering program.
- TSA-approved hotels are limited to Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas.
- FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is ready to assist policyholders who experienced losses due to flooding from Hurricane Ida. Contact your insurance agent to report your loss. If you can’t remember the name or number of the insurance company, call NFIP at 877-336-2627.
- The fastest way to apply for FEMA disaster assistance: DisasterAssistance.gov
- If it’s not possible to apply online, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585). Lines are open from 6:00am to 10:00pm CDT, 7 days a week. Those who use a relay service such as a videophone, InnoCaption or CapTel should update FEMA with their specific number assigned to that service.
- For American Sign Language, contact the Disaster Distress Helpline through its videophone at 800-985-5990, or by clicking on “ASL Now” on the Disaster Distress website at DisasterDistress.samhsa.gov
- Residents should be aware of con artists and criminals trying to take advantage of them, posing as phony property inspectors or phony building contractors. Thieves also may try to steal money or your personal information through fraud by directing you to apply on their website. Report scams, fraud and identity theft to FEMA’s toll-free Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721; or, Contact the Louisiana Attorney General Consumer Protection Section, P.O. Box 94005, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9005. Or fax your complaint to: 225-326-6499.
- Louisiana survivors who purchased or rented a generator and/or chainsaw as a result of Hurricane Ida may be eligible for a reimbursement. Survivors must first apply for FEMA assistance by visiting www.DisasterAssistance.gov or calling the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362 (TTY: 800-462-7585). Keep in mind, FEMA cannot reimburse equipment paid for by another source such as homeowner’s, flood or other types of insurance.
- Individuals and households who have immediate or critical needs because they are displaced from their primary dwelling may be eligible for the Critical Needs Assistance program, which covers food, water, prescriptions, medical supplies and other life-saving and life-sustaining items. Critical Needs Assistance is a one-time $500 payment per household.
FEMA Locations:
FEMA is operating a drive-up registration intake center at Jefferson Parish Health Unit (11855 Ames Blvd., Marrero, LA 70072) seven days a week from 8AM – 6PM. This drive-up center is available for those whose primary residence (renters and owners) sustained damage due to Hurricane Ida. Those who have a copy of their insurance policy should bring the documents for in-person registration assistance.
Beginning September 13th, from 10:00am – 6:00pm, FEMA representatives will be available at the following locations to assist with registering residents, answering questions about programs and checking the status of applications:
New Orleans:
- Rosenwald Rec Center
- 1120 S. Broad Ave.
- Milne Rec Center
- 5420 Franklin Ave.
- Cut Off Rec Center
- 6600 Belgrade St.
- Joe Brown Rec Center
- 5601 Read Blvd.
Baton Rouge:
- FEMA CENTER in East Baton Rouge Parish
- Main Library, 7711 Goodwood Blvd.
- September 15th to September 2nd
- 9:00am to 6:00pm
Ascension Parish:
- FEMA Mobile Registry Center
- 16470 Paillette St. in Prairieville
- September 15th
Plaquemines Parish:
- Belle Chasse Library
- Port Sulphur YMCA
- Percy Griffin Community Center
St. Bernard Parish:
- FEMA Mobile Registry Center
- Historic Courthouse, 1201 Bayou Rd., St. Bernard, LA 70085
- September 19th – 23rd
- 8:00am – 5:00pm. They will not be able to answer questions regarding your FEMA claims, nor register you for any other programs.
Available Shelters:
To locate a shelter near you visit the Red Cross Shelter Map or download the FEMA App.
This is not an all-inclusive list of shelters open at this time, or that may open in the future. Individual parishes, local churches and other organizations may open their own facilities. Anyone who needs a safe place should call 2-1-1 or text LASHELTER to 898-211 for open shelter locations, visit www.redcross.org, call 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767), or use the free Red Cross Emergency app. Download the app by searching “American Red Cross” in your app store or by going to redcross.org/apps.
New Orleans Area:
- Morial Convention Center – 900 Convention Center Blvd., NOLA 70130 (Medical Needs only) Transportation Hub
- King’s Grant Playground – 3805 15th Harvey, LA 70058
- Pard Playground Park – 5185 Eighty Arpent Rd., Marrero, LA 70072
Baton Rouge / Northshore:
- LSU Field House (FMSN-LSUFH-001) – LSU Campus – Cypress Dr., Baton Rouge
- Lamar Dixon Exposition Center Trademart Building – 9039 Saint Landry Avenue, Gonzales, LA 70737
Houma / Morgan City / Napoleonville / River Parishes and Beyond:
- Assumption Community Center – 4910 Hwy 308, Napoleonville, LA 70390
- Amelia Recreation Center – 2109 Duhon Rd Amelia, 70380
- Berwick Civic Center – 300 Patti Drive, Berwick, LA 70342
- Patterson Civic Center – 116 Cotten Road, Patterson, LA 70392
- Siracusaville Recreation Building – 1110 Grace , Morgan City, LA 70380
- Houma VA Clinic – 6433 W. Park Ave, Houma, LA 70364
Additional Shelters Can be found at https://www.redcross.org/get-help/disaster-relief-and-recovery-services/find-an-open-shelter.html
Tarps for Damaged Properties:
Operation Blue Roof aims to provide homeowners in disaster areas with fiber-reinforced sheeting to cover their damaged roofs until permanent repairs are made. The Parishes that have been identifiedare: Ascension, Jefferson, Lafourche, Livingston, Orleans, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. James, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa, and Terrebonne. This program is a free service to homeowners. Residents can sign up for the program at Blueroof.us You can sign up for Blue Roof assistance using a Right of Entry (ROE) form, which gathers information about your residence. The ROE is a legal document that allows Corps workers to access your property and assess damage to your home. The ROE also allows contracted crews to work on your roof. Residents can call toll free 1-888-ROOF-BLU (1-888-766-3258) for more information regarding this program.
- M&Z Renovations, LLC have crews mobilized to start tarping roofs. If you or a neighbor need help, please email info@mzrenovations.com or call 504-517-2474 to get on their list.
- MLM Incorporated are providing emergency roof tarping and house gutting. Call 504-322-7050 for more information.
- Acadia Development is installing tarps. Call 504-427-6490 for more information.
Clean Up Support:
Clean-Up Support Crisis Cleanup can help with debris removal, mucking, tarping, mold remediation, etc. Call 844-965-1386 or visit www.crisiscleanup.org
- Residents in unincorporated Jefferson Parish & Lafitte can now view an online map to see the progress of storm debris removal in their area. DRC Emergency Services started removing storm related debris in 22 identified zones on Monday, September 6th. To view the map, visit JeffParish.net/storm
- To help expedite the debris removal process after Hurricane Ida, the Department of Transportation and Development asks that residents place all debris on the curbside and away from trees, poles and other structures.
- Debris should be separated into six categories: household garbage, construction debris, vegetable debris, hazardous waste, large appliances and electronics. For more information visit LaDOTD Hurricane Ida Citizen Problem Center arcgis.com
- The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services is launching “Connect”, a way for families to locate loved ones who evacuated to a State shelter. If you need to reach family & friends and you’re not sure which shelter they are staying at:
- Call 225-342-2727
- Fill out the form at http://dcfs.louisiana.gov/form/dcfs-connect
- Cellular Communication:
- Verizon – Please visit Verizon response: Hurricane Ida for updates on restoration efforts.
- Cox –Credits will be provided to residential customers who experienced outages, and late fees assessed will be credited. Storm Assistance Plans, to temporarily suspend service, can be activated by calling (888) 269-9693.
- AT&T – AT&T’s wireless network in Louisiana is currently operating at more than 99% of normal. Customers in affected areas may still be experiencing wireline service interruptions due to storm damage and commercial power outages in their area. To learn more, please click here.
- T-Mobile – Network sites have come back online in the parishes of Ascension, Orleans, Jefferson, East Baton Rouge, West Baton Rouge, St. Tammany and Tangipahoa. To receive the latest updates, please click here.
Financial Assistance:
- Hospitality workers in Southeast Louisiana impacted by Hurricane Ida and in need of emergency funds can send an email to lagniappekrewe@gmail.com including full name, address, phone number, email, and restaurant or hotel where he or she was employed on August 29th and basic description of financial need.
- Small Business Administration: Applicants (businesses, most private non-profits, homeowners and renters) for low-interest disaster loan may apply online, receive additional disaster assistance information and download applications at https://disasterloanassisstance.sba.gov/
Applicants may also call SBA’s Customer Service Center at 800-659-2955 or email disastercustomerservice@sba.gov for more information on SBA disaster assistance. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may call 800-877-8339.
Available Food:
- For City of New Orleans Food Distribution please visit https://www.trumba.com/calendars/HurricaneIda or http://ready.nola.gov/
- Culture Aid NOLA organizes twice-weekly distributions of free, fresh food open to all community members on both a walk and drive up basis. There has been daily food distribution at Howlin’ Wolf (907 S. Peters), 12:00pm – 5:00pm. Visit their Twitter or Instagram for most up-to-date information.
- World Central Kitchen (WCK): Various locations. For the latest information, follow WCK on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
- Comprehensive list of where to buy hot meals and groceries in Baton Rouge and the surrounding areas (Livingston, Gonzales, Prairieville, Port Allen, etc.) can be found here.
- Baton Rouge Community Fridge (1600 Government Street) Take what you want, leave what you want.
All residents impacted by Hurricane Ida can preregister for the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistant Program (DSNAP) by texting LADSNAP to 898211. Existing SNAP recipients are also now available to use their benefits to purchase hot/prepared food.
The following pharmacies are now open in Terrebone & Assumption Parishes:
- People’s Drug Store: 7869 Main St., Houma, LA 70360 (985-873-8526) Open 8:00am – 12:00pm daily except Sundays. Phones and internet do not work. Pick up only, no delivery.
- Willow Bark: 2138 Bayou Blue Blvd., Houma, LA 70364 (985-876-5502). Location is not open, but their current patients can leave a message and request a refill.
- CVS: 201 N. Canal Blvd., Thibodaux, LA 70301 (985-446-5646). Open 8:00am – 5:00pm. No computer access so new Rxs may be a problem. Emergency only, non-controlled medications. Bring bottle or Rx and they can fill a few days’ worth.
- Assumption Pharmacy Healthmart: 120 Washington St., Napoleonville, LA 70390 (985-369-6590) Open 8:00am-6:00pm. Some insurance companies are processing, some or not. May need cash.
- Michelle’s Pharmacy: 1275 Belleview St., Bayou Vista, LA 70380 (985-395-2694) Monday – Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm and Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm. Will fill emergency Rx as long as med supply is available.
- Michelle’s Pharmacy: 926 7th, Morgan City, LA 70380 (985-384-3071) Monday – Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm and Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm. Will fill emergency Rx as long as med supply is available.
- Walgreen’s Drug Store: 815 Brashear Ave., Morgan City, LA 70380 (985-384-3302). Monday – Friday 9:00am – 7:00pm, Saturday 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sunday 10:00am – 6:00pm
Veterans may take their Department of Veterans Affairs ID to any local pharmacy to receive a 30-day supply of medication. However, they have to instruct the pharmacist to call Heritage Customer Care Center at 1-866-265-0124, and a representative will provide the retail pharmacy with the proper billing information and a number to a VA pharmacist to verify drug criteria over the phone.
Behavioral Health:
- Office of Behavioral Health Keep Calm Line: 1-866-310-7977 (Available 24/7)
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-273-8255 (Veterans press #1)
- CrisisText Line: Text REACHOUT to 741741 (Available 24/7)
- Louisiana Spirit Crisis Counselling Program: 1-800-256-2522 or TEXT ‘REACHOUT’ to 741751. for those impacted by Hurricane Ida in Louisiana.
- Louisiana 211: Call 2-1-1 for free 24/7 referral & information line to connect to a wide range of health & human services.
Gas Locations:
- Download the GasBuddy application for a list of open gas with available gas. Includes prices.
- Check out the map of open gas stations at nola.gov/gasmap. Note that this info is self-reported by gas station owners & operators and the map will be updated as info becomes available.
Legal Services:
Southeast Louisiana Legal Services if providing free legal assistance to New Orleans residents. If you have a question about insurance, tenants rights, navigating the FEMA assistance process, filing claims or another legal inquiry, call the SLLS Disaster Legal Aid Hotline at 1-844-244-7871.
Power & Safety:
- For a current power outage map visit: lpsc.louisiana.gov.
- For current road closures and conditions visit: https://www.511la.org
Temporary Workspace:
- The Baton Rouge Area Chamber (BRAC) has compiled a list of temporary workspaces for those without access to their normal office or who lack electricity to work remotely. You may access the full list of available spaces here.
- Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) is offering free transitional office space to businesses at the JEDCO headquarters in Avondale, for as long as the organization is able to do so. Offices include internet, phone service and air conditioning. Space can be reserved in 4-hour time slots (mornings and afternoons) from 8:30AM – 4:30PM. Interested businesses must call in advance to reserve space. Walk-ups are not accepted at this time. Contact Scott Rojas, JEDCO Director of Facilities and Information Technology at 504-875-3916 or email srojas@jedco.org to reserve space.
Additional Resources:
Disaster Relief, Recovery & Rebuilding
City of New Orleans “NOLA Ready”
Frequently updated info compiled by the city to prepare for and recover from disasters including hurricanes
and pandemics. Includes info on COVID testing sites, meal programs, evacuation assistance, etc.
GNO Caring Collective
Not a business. GNO Caring Collective was formed in response to the COVID-19 outbreak to help NOLA’s most vulnerable population.
(800) 621-FEMA (3362)
www.fema.gov, staffed 24/7
To apply for federal aid or check on the status of your application related to disaster assistance. Provides
assistance to those who are eligible- rental assistance, personal property, small business administration low
interest loan.
Free; Spanish spoken? Y, Se habla espanol
The Green Project
(504)945-0240, www.thegreenproject.org
2831 Marais St (and Press St), New Orleans,
70117 Wed-Sat 11-5
Sells & accepts donations of used building materials; paint recycling program. Environmental education in
K-12 schools. No consignment. Spanish spoken? N
Hotlines – Connect quickly to emergency assistance.
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255
- Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860
- Metro Crisis Response for Mental Health or Substance Abuse 504-826-2675
- Jefferson Parish Behavioral Health Mobile Crisis Line 504-832-5123
- LA Sexual Assault Crisis Line 888-995-7273
- Family Justice Center Domestic Violence Crisis Line 504-866-9554
- Addiction Helpline 877-947-5900
- Narcotics Anonymous 504-899-6262
- NOLA Immigration Emergency Info Check online for updated numbers www.facebook.com/congresodejornaleros/
- 211 Counseling & Resources in the GNO area
Imagine Water Works
Advocacy and disaster readiness and response through a lens of anti-oppression, harm reduction, and collective
liberation. Current projects include: the Mutual Aid Response Network, the Community Power Map (Charging
Stations), Imagine Mutual Aid on Facebook, an “Anonymous Storm Prep Q&A” on Instagram, a 2022 Hurricane Season Guide, the Queer/Trans Guide to Hurricane Season, and the Little Library of Water. Check website for events and projects or join Imagine Mutual Aid (New Orleans) at facebook.com/groups/MutualAidNewOrleans/
Lower 9th Center for Sustainable Engagement & Development
504-324-9955, 504-931-6190 to volunteer www.sustainthenine.org
5227 Chartres St., New Orleans, 70117
Assistance for Lower 9th Ward residents with access to fresh food, volunteer home restoration, radiant barrier
installation, and neighborhood beautification. Will provide referrals for food distribution and other community
Fee for materials; Walk-in or call for information Spanish spoken? N
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
National network actively organizing around supporting disaster survivors in a spirit of mutual aid and solidarity.
Organizes regional supply distro and volunteer labor in the aftermath of climate crises. Follow Instagram and
Facebook for more information.
Mutual Aid Louisiana
Community Mutual Aid
New Orleans Mutual Aid Group •NOMAG•
Food banks now on SUNDAYS 4-6pm at Florida & St. Roch.
(504) 383-3790
https://www.instagram.com/nomag___/ (<—Three underscores in the link)
Preservation Resource Center Revival Grants
This program assists low-to-moderate-income homeowners who live in HDLC full control historic districts, or in partial control districts that levy fines. Income guidelines and HDLC map posted at the link above. The grants only cover minor repairs to the exterior of each property.
Rebuilding Together
(504) 264-1815 www.rtno.org
2801 Marais Street New Orleans, LA 70117
Volunteer and contract labor for home rebuilding. Must be low income and either 60+yrs, disabled, veteran,
single guardian with custody of minors or a first responder in order to qualify. Salvaged materials available at
their low- cost warehouse, 2801 Marais St.
Free; Call for info Spanish spoken? Y, Se habla espanol
FEMA Rumor Control
- Louisiana Power Outages
- Public Service Commission
- Entergy Louisiana
- Entergy Storm Center
- Cleco Storm Center
- Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives
- Emergency Preparedness
- GOSHEP: Get a Game Plan
- Hurricane Preparedness Tips
- Entertainment Production Hurricane Season Guide 2021
- Severe weather phone call notifications: Sign up at Smart911
- Travel updates and road closures| Call 511
- Shelter information: text ‘LASHELTER’ to 898211 or call 211.