LPA is proud to serve our communities through the creation of a Speakers Bureau – a means by which LPA promotes the breadth and wealth of psychologists’ knowledge and expertise throughout Louisiana. The Speaker’s Bureau is a service-oriented program whereby individuals or organizations can contact LPA when they are seeking a potential guest speaker for workshops, lectures, talks to community groups, etc. This is an outstanding opportunity for early career and established psychologists alike to gain notoriety as experts in their communities, build their referral networks, practice public speaking skills, increase the use of psychological science in public discourse, and contribute to the well-being of the general public.
While the list of psychologists may change yearly, we maintain a current list of speakers. You may contact the potential speaker directly or you contact us to discuss your interests and seek guidance in locating a speaker. While some speakers are free of charge, others may charge a fee.
What do psychologists stand to gain as a member of the Speakers’ Bureau?
- Honoraria for your speaking engagements (if you choose to negotiate for this)
- Networking and Professional Exposure
- Community engagement
If you are a psychologist who is interested in being a part of the LPA Speaker’s Bureau, please contact us to submit your curriculum vita and speaker information for review.